Bald Eagle
Latin: Haliaeetus leucocephalus
Why do birds matter?” is one of those questions like “What is love?” or “Why are we here?” or even “Is there a God?” Unanswerable, I think, by logic. One could cite facts like, birds eat lots of harmful insects, charm us at our feeders, or challenge us to learn their field marks, molts, and names both common and scientific. But perhaps the answer lies deeper. Since the beginning birds have lifted our eyes to the skies. They’ve shown us we’re not gravity’s slave, that flight is possible and limitless. It can hover and soar, dive and display, and take us from one end of the planet to the other in a single, impossible burst of energy and purpose. Inspiration is the gift birds have given us from the start. But now they give us a question as well. Like the canary in the mine, they hold the planet up to us like a mirror and ask: “Can you not see that if we pass away, soon you will as well?” That’s a good question, and since birds pose it, they matter a lot.
—Wes Craven, Hollywood director
Watch out latest Facebook Live video featuring Oden our Great Horned Owl.
Dozens of species of birds can be found at the Mill Grove nature santuary.
Audubon is committed to transforming our communities into places where birds flourish.
Monica Bryand uses her kayak and camera to explore the climate-threatened birds of Minnesota and share this issue with new audiences.
Give us your flightless, your hurt, your wounded raptors yearning to fly free… Be sure to watch this aweseome video!
Read more about Keith Russell Birding in Philly’s Forgotten Habitats here.
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