During his time at Mill Grove, John James Audubon became a pioneer in portraying birds and other wildlife in natural settings, painting many North American birds with remarkable accuracy of color and realism. These paintings would eventually be compiled into his famous book, The Birds of America.
When you visit, in addition to viewing the original double elephant folio containing 435 life-sized watercolors reproduced from hand-engraved plates, you can also explore our digitized version of this massive book.
With the touch of a finger, you’ll easily scroll through the pages of The Birds of America using an intuitive touchscreen or use our menu to search for a specific bird species or family.
This interactive experience allows you to explore detailed illustrations showcasing each bird’s unique characteristics and to discover excerpts from Audubon’s journal entries, offering a glimpse into his wonder and awe at the behavior, songs, and habits of the birds he encountered.
Whether you’re an avid bird enthusiast or new to the world of Audubon, turning digital pages offers an engaging way to explore this natural history masterpiece.