John James Audubon Center

Now Open Wednesday through Sunday

Center Hours

The John James Audubon Center is regularly open from Wednesday - Sunday, 10am-4pm.

Whether you're a first-time visitor or a longtime friend, there's never been a better time to explore our exhibitions and Fledgling Field nature play area. Bring a friend, bring your family, or just bring yourself—there's plenty to see and do!  

Dogs are NOT allowed in the interior of the park since it is a bird sanctuary and birds see dogs as potential predators. Dogs are allowed on the paved Audubon Loop which encircles the property only!

Grounds are always open free to the public during daylight hours only. There is an admission fee for the Visitor Center and Historic House. The Historic House is only open for guided tours at 1pm (Wednesday Through Sunday). Guided tours must be signed up for and leave promptly from the Visitor Center. For private group tour information please contact the Front Desk at 610-666-5594. 

The property address is: 1201 Pawlings Road, Audubon, PA 19403.

To arrange a tour of our venue or for information concerning weddings or having a special event on grounds please contact Jeffrey Miller Catering at 610-990-3411 or


As part of Audubon Mid-Atlantic (a regional office of the National Audubon Society) and the Atlantic Flyway, the John James Audubon Center's mission is to protect birds and the places they need, today and tomorrow

What's Happening at JJAC

Bird Ambassadors of Mill Grove

Resident Birds of Mill Grove

Come meet our wonderful bird ambassadors!

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Facility Rentals

Weddings and Rentals at the John James Audubon Center

If you are looking for a truly unique rental space setting, look no further!

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The John James Audubon Center Remembers Jean Rogers Holt

The John James Audubon Center Remembers Jean Rogers Holt

Honoring Long-time Steward and Supporter of Mill Grove

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Informative Videos


Check out some videos about Audubon and the activities that surround us!

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John James Audubon

John James Audubon

A closer look at the man for which the National Audubon Society is named. 

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Ruffed Grouse

Latin:  Bonasa umbellus

Illustration for Ruffed Grouse

Blue Jay

Latin:  Cyanocitta cristata

Illustration for Blue Jay

Great Horned Owl

Latin:  Bubo virginianus

Illustration for Great Horned Owl

Eastern Screech-Owl

Latin:  Megascops asio

Illustration for Eastern Screech-Owl

Northern Flicker

Latin:  Colaptes auratus

Illustration for Northern Flicker


Latin:  Anas platyrhynchos

Illustration for Mallard

Wild Turkey

Latin:  Meleagris gallopavo

Illustration for Wild Turkey

Belted Kingfisher

Latin:  Megaceryle alcyon

Illustration for Belted Kingfisher